Released at


Job Type



SGD 6000 per MONTH


, , Singapore

Company Description

ABCDE is a crypto fund focused on leading investment in top crypto builders. It is co-founded by Huobi cofounder Du Jun and former Internet&crypto founder BMAN. Team members includes entrepreneurs, CEOs of listed companies, and top researchers who have been in Crypto industry for 10 years. The co-founders of ABCDE have built multi-billion dollar companies in Crypto from the ground up. We have built an end-to-end ecosystem for our builders, including HongKong listed companies with crypto licenses(1611.HK), exchanges(Huobi), SAAS companies(, media(, and developers platforms( Welcome to join us and build the next-generation crypto network.






Job Description


    投资管理经理(Manager, Portfolio Management)




    * 搭建中台数据管理系统。

    * 协助团队收集、整理和管理投资组合的各类数据,包括但不限于财务数据、市场数据、行业数据等。

    * 负责数据的清洗、验证、分析和可视化,以支持投资决策。

    * 监控数据质量,确保数据的准确性、一致性和完整性。

    * 支持与内部团队和外部合作伙伴之间的数据共享和交流。

    * 协助团队进行投资项目的财务尽职调查和市场研究,为投资决策提供数据支持和分析报告。

    * 跟踪行业和市场趋势,及时更新相关数据,并向团队提供相关的市场洞察和分析。


    * 本科以上学历,金融、会计、统计学或相关专业背景优先考虑。

    * 在传统投资基金的投资管理或者数据岗位有相关工作经验,有搭建中台数据管理系统的经验优先。

    * 具备扎实的财务知识和数据分析能力,熟悉财务报表分析和财务指标计算。

    * 熟练掌握Excel、PPT等数据处理和分析工具,具备良好的数据处理和数据可视化能力。

    * 熟悉风险投资行业和相关数据需求,对基金运作和投资决策有一定的了解。

    * 具备较强的逻辑思维能力和问题解决能力,能够独立思考和分析数据。

    * 良好的沟通和团队合作能力,能够与不同部门和利益相关者进行有效的合作和协调。

    * 具备较强的工作责任心和抗压能力,能够在快节奏和高压力的环境下工作。


    Manager, Portfolio Management


    Job Description


    Responsible for setting up Mid-end Data Management System of the fund, managing the investment portfolio, supporting and managing the data requirements of the fund, and providing support for investment decisions. Work with the team to monitor and optimize portfolio performance while effectively communicating with internal and external stakeholders.


    Job Duties

    * Set up a mid-end data management system of the fund.

    * Assist the team to collect, collate and manage all kinds of portfolio data, including but not limited to financial data, market data, industry data, etc.

    * Responsible for data cleaning, validation, analysis and visualization to support investment decisions.

    * Monitor data quality to ensure data accuracy, consistency and completeness.

    * Support data sharing and communication with internal teams and external partners.

    * Assist the team to conduct financial due diligence and market research for investment projects, * provide data support and analysis reports for investment decisions.

    * Track industry and market trends, update relevant data and provide relevant market insights and analysis to the team.



    * Bachelor degree or above, major in finance, accounting, statistics or related is preferred.

    * Work experience in traditional investment fund investment management or data position, experience in building mid-end data management system of the fund is preferred.

    * Have solid financial knowledge and data analysis ability, familiar with financial statement analysis and calculation of financial indicators.

    * Proficient in data processing and analysis tools such as Excel and PPT, with good data processing and visualization abilities.

    * Familiar with venture capital industry and relevant data needs, with some understanding of fund operations and investment decisions.

    * Strong logical thinking and problem solving skills, able to think independently and analyze data.

    * Good communication and team work skills, able to collaborate and coordinate effectively with different departments and stakeholders.

    * Strong sense of responsibility and ability to work under pressure, able to work in fast pace and high pressure environment.

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