Released at


Job Type



SGD 6000 per MONTH


, , Singapore

Company Description

ABCDE is a crypto fund focused on leading investment in top crypto builders. It is co-founded by Huobi cofounder Du Jun and former Internet&crypto founder BMAN. Team members includes entrepreneurs, CEOs of listed companies, and top researchers who have been in Crypto industry for 10 years. The co-founders of ABCDE have built multi-billion dollar companies in Crypto from the ground up. We have built an end-to-end ecosystem for our builders, including HongKong listed companies with crypto licenses(1611.HK), exchanges(Huobi), SAAS companies(, media(, and developers platforms( Welcome to join us and build the next-generation crypto network.






Job Description


    R&D Intern (Blockchain Infrastructure)

    Job Description

    我们正在寻找研究和开发Blockchain Infrastructure方向的实习生加入ABCDE Labs,一 起来探索先有的区块链系统中最深层的执行原理。作为一名研究人员或者开发人员, 你有没有思考过:一笔链上交易是通过什么样的接口,以什么样的形式在传播到其他 节点的?你有没有好奇过:ERC20 Token的余额是通过怎样的数据格式被持久化到硬 盘上的?在ABCDE Labs 我们深入各个基础设施的代码层面,去理解区块链系统实现 的深层次原理。

    Job Duties

    ⁃ 深入探索以太坊执行层,共识层节点,探索例如Go-ethereum, reth, prysm, Nimbus等节点的代码实现。

    ⁃ 深入探索各个Layer-2系统中Sequencer的实现。

    ⁃ 参与ABCDE Labs,Understand 系列Handbook的编写工作。


    ⁃ 我们期待候选人充满好奇心和亲自动手.

    ⁃ 良好的英文阅读能力。

    ⁃ 熟悉至少一门高级编程语言,包括但不限于Go,Rust,Java, etc.

    ⁃ 熟悉计算机背景知识,熟悉数据库,共识算法,操作系统,计算机网络的等基本 概念或运作原理.

    ⁃ 熟悉至少一种区块链系统的基本运行原理,包括但不限于Bitcoin,Ethereum, Celestia, etc.

    R&D Intern (Blockchain Infrastructure)

    Job Description

    We are seeking for a intern specializing in the research and development of Blockchain Infrastructure to join ABCDE Labs. Together, we will explore the underlying principles of existing blockchain systems. As a researcher or developer, have you ever wondered about the interfaces and formats through which on-chain transactions propagate to other nodes? Have you been curious about how the balances of ERC20 tokens are persisted to the disk based on what kind of data structure? At ABCDE Labs, we delve into the code-level of various infrastructure components to understand the deep-level principles behind blockchain system implementations.

    Job Duties

    • Delve into the Ethereum execution layer and consensus layer nodes, exploring code implementations of nodes such as Go-ethereum, reth, prysm, Nimbus, and more.
    • Deeply explore the implementation of Sequencers in various Layer-2 systems.
    • Contribute to the development of ABCDE Labs' "Understand" series Handbook.


    •      We expect candidates to be curious and hands-on individuals.

    •      Proficiency in reading English.

    •      Familiarity with at least one advanced programming language, including but not limited to Go, Rust, Java, etc.

    •      Knowledge of computer science fundamentals, including databases, consensus algorithms, operating systems, computer networks, and basic concepts or principles.

    •      Familiarity with the operational principles of at least one blockchain system, including but not limited to Bitcoin, Ethereum, Celestia, etc.

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