Coincall Exchange - 移动端工程师 (iOS) - 短期项目 | Software Engineer (Mobile - iOS) - Project Hire FULLTIME, , S$ 岗位职责:参与公司iOS应用的日常开发循环,确保迭代的及时性和质量。负责应用架构、框架和组件的持续迭代改进,支持业务需求的快速和高质量更新。持续优化应用性能和用户体验,采用先进的优化策略确保应用功能的最优化。高效解决开发过程中遇到的复杂问题,保证项目的顺利进行和质量标准。任职要求:计算机科学或相关领域的本科及以上学位,具有扎实的计算机科学基础知识。精通iOS开发,包括Swift和Objective...
- 前端开发(网页端、APP端) FULLTIME, , S$ 职位描述工作内容:1、负责网页端产品及各类网页活动的开发;2、负责APP端产品的开发;3、通过前端技术对产品用户体验、易用性等方面进行改进及对前端性能持续优化;4、与UI设计师、产品经理以及后台开发人员协作开发;任职要求:1、两年及以上前端开发经验,熟悉vue和flutter,有网页端或者APP端产品开发经验,有C端产品开发经验;2、深刻理解Web标准,对版本可用性、多端兼容性等常见问题,有深入了...
- 软件开发工程师 FULLTIME, , S$ 新项目急招岗位:Golang,C++, Cocos,PHP,安卓,IOS,JAVA,Flutter,前端,测试,运维,运营总监,产品经理,项目经理,人资经理,数据分析,HRBP,总裁助理,财务经理,UX/UI/UE,K8S运维,DBA,.net,策划,原画/动效设计师,SEO/SEM,总助,棋牌市场经理,区块链市场经理。薪资美丽、欢迎投递简历(月薪3-6万/RMB)telegram: @HR568...
- iOS开发工程师 FULLTIME, , S$ 岗位职责1.根据需求遵循软件开发流程,负责在IOS平台下的应用程序设计、开发、发布和维护;2.负责产品的应用维护、升级和重构迭代,不断优化产品;3.IOS 平台开发环境(平台及工具软件)的设计、实现和维护;4.参与项目的技术论证、接口开发与架构设计;5.能够对技术难点进行攻关,解决产品开发和维护中的技术难题;6.遵守开发流程及编写相关文档。岗位要求1.大专以上学历,计算机相关专业,3年以上工作经验...
TikTok, Singapore - iOS Software Engineer - Global Payments FULLTIME, Singapore, S$ The Global Payments team is building a platform to provide cross-border payment solutions for all ByteDance's products and services, that are growing rapidly worldwide. Our Web and Client team in Glo...
Aspire - Senior Mobile Engineer FULLTIME, Singapore, S$ ● Build pixel-perfect, buttery smooth UIs across both mobile platforms.● Leverage native APIs for deep integrations with both platforms.● Diagnose and fix bugs and performance bottlenecks for performa...
SPH Media - iOS Mobile App Developer (Fresh Grad) FULLTIME, Singapore, S$ We are looking for a talented and passionate mobile app developer to develop and maintain interactive mobile applications targeted at end consumers. You will be working alongside other engineers in a ...
Binance (Singapore) - Senior iOS Engineer FULLTIME, Singapore, S$ Have some experience in Android development.Knowledge of computer system structure, algorithm, network, database and computer security.Work together with cross-functional teams to define, design, and ...