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Job Type



SGD 6000 per MONTH


, , Singapore

Company Description

Rewarding Talents International Pte Ltd is a leading recruitment agency that provides high-quality talent acquisition services to businesses of all sizes.

We specialize in executive search, regional talents sourcing, and professional consultation, helping organizations identify and recruit top-tier candidates for critical roles across various industries.

We take a personalized approach to recruitment, working closely with our clients to understand their unique needs and requirements and delivering customized solutions that meet their specific needs.

Job Description



    我们正在寻找一位技术高超的高级区块链工程师,具有Solidity编程专业知识,精通ZK rollup(零知识)技术,并具备开发ZK rollup项目的实践经验。理想的候选人应该曾领导过区块链项目,了解DEX(去中心化交易所)产品背后的逻辑。此外,他们还应具备后端开发能力,熟悉主流后端技术栈,并有处理高并发、高可用项目的经验。熟练使用CEX(中心化交易所)产品并了解与合约相关的风险管理原则是非常理想的。


    - 领导我们的区块链协议开发,监督从设计到部署的整个生命周期。

    - 主导Solidity智能合约的实施,确保安全、高效,并符合最佳实践。

    - 利用ZK rollup技术增强协议内部的隐私性和可扩展性,充分利用先前开发ZK rollup项目的经验。

    - 推动区块链基础架构的架构决策,确保与项目目标和可扩展性要求的一致性。

    - 与跨职能团队合作,了解DEX产品逻辑,并无缝集成区块链组件。

    - 展示后端开发的熟练技能,利用主流技术栈构建稳健可扩展的系统。

    - 在智能合约和后端系统内实施有效的风险管理策略,利用CEX产品的专业知识。

    - 了解行业趋势和新兴技术,持续提升我们协议的能力和安全性。


    - 在区块链开发领域具有丰富经验,专注于Solidity编程和智能合约开发。solidity, rust, react, familiar with zk (starkware - cario)

    - 在ZKrollup技术方面有卓越的专业知识,具有开发ZK项目的实践经验。

    - 具有领导区块链项目和理解DEX产品逻辑的先前经验。

    - 具备强大的后端开发技能,熟练掌握主流技术栈。

    - 在区块链环境中具有高并发、高可用项目的经验。

    - 熟练使用CEX产品并理解与合约相关的风险管理原则。

    - 出色的沟通技巧,能够与跨职能团队有效合作。

    - 计算机科学、工程或相关领域的学士学位;优先考虑硕士学位。

    Job Description:

    We're seeking a highly skilled Senior Blockchain Engineer, akin to a CTO role, with expertise in Solidity programming, proficiency in ZK (Zero-Knowledge) technology, and hands-on experience in developing ZK projects. The ideal candidate will have led blockchain projects, understanding the logic behind DEX (Decentralized Exchange) products. Additionally, they should possess backend development capabilities, familiarity with mainstream backend technology stacks, and experience handling high-concurrency, high-availability projects. Proficiency in using CEX (Centralized Exchange) products and understanding contract-related risk management principles are highly desirable.


    • Lead the development of our blockchain protocol, overseeing the entire lifecycle from design to deployment.

    • Spearhead the implementation of smart contracts in Solidity, ensuring security, efficiency, and adherence to best practices.

    • Utilize ZK technology to enhance privacy and scalability within the protocol, leveraging prior experience in ZK project development.

    • Drive the architectural decisions of the blockchain infrastructure, ensuring alignment with project goals and scalability requirements.

    • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to understand DEX product logic and integrate blockchain components seamlessly.

    • Demonstrate proficiency in backend development, utilizing mainstream technology stacks to build robust and scalable systems.

    • Implement effective risk management strategies within smart contracts and backend systems, drawing upon expertise in CEX products.

    • Stay abreast of industry trends and emerging technologies, continuously enhancing our protocol's capabilities and security.


    • Extensive experience in blockchain development, with a focus on Solidity programming and smart contract development.

    • Proven expertise in ZK technology, with hands-on experience in developing ZK projects.

    •  Prior experience in leading blockchain projects and understanding DEX product logic.

    • Strong backend development skills, with proficiency in mainstream technology stacks.

    •  Experience with high-concurrency, high-availability projects in a blockchain environment.

    •  Proficiency in using CEX products and understanding contract-related risk management principles.

    •  Excellent communication skills and the ability to collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams.

    •  Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or related field; advanced degree preferred.

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